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Alterra.ai is developing Deep Learning-based NLP technology that powers conversational customer service chatbots and natural language search on your website and in apps


Alterra.ai is a powerful Artificial Intelligent-powered assistant ideal for web-based enterprises and businesses. These virtual assistant systems aid your customers in real-time, assisting them and making them feel more connected to your business. This helps retain more traffic, which translates to more sales from your website. Alterra is a powerful virtual assistant that can integrate with your website and make it appear more professional, live, and interactive


  • AI-Powered NLP Engine: Alterra.ai understands natural language and finds answers by meaning, outperforming competitors by 4x
  • Auto-Pilot Mode: Automatically resolves up to 20% of support tickets by screening new Zendesk tickets and providing instant answers
  • Co-Pilot Mode: Suggests answers to customers' questions within the Zendesk agent interface, boosting team productivity and shortening response time
  • AI-Powered Zendesk Guide Search: Improves self-service rate with an unparalleled 90% accuracy using the Deep Learning NLP Engine to take over search in the Zendesk Guide
  • Code-Free Setup: No coding required. Alterra.ai plugs directly into your Zendesk Support account and imports your knowledge  base to provide faster, time-saving answers


Details here

Media / Screenshots

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