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Browse AI
Monitor any webpage for changes. Download any data on the web as a spreadsheet. Turn any website into an API


Browse AI is the first AI-powered web automation software that learns to perform data extraction, monitoring, and automation tasks on the web simply by observing someone perform the actions once


  • Scraping Lists, data, and screenshots with no code: With Browse AI, you can extract a huge amount of data from any website in almost 2 minutes with no coding required
  • Extract data at scale with Bulk Run: With Browse AI, you can extract a huge amount of data from any website with no coding required
  • Extract data behind logins: Your robot can scrape data behind login-protected webpages, too. You can use its cookie-sharing option or encrypted username/password and automate sophisticated scenarios as quickly as possible
  • Pagination & scroll handling: Browse AI quickly understands how to handle paginations like numbered pages, load more & infinite scrolling. Show the robot the pagination, and it'll do the rest
  • Integrations: Integrate with Google Sheets, Zapier, Pabbly Connect, Make.com, and Airtable to transfer your extracted data to thousands of other tools. Using Browse's public API, you can integrate Browse AI with your custom software without a hassle
  • Extract data on a specific schedule: If you need to scrape data on an ongoing basis or schedule, you can set up your robot with different triggers, including a specific time or a repeatable flexible schedule
  • Captcha Solving: If the website requires to solve a captcha, leave it to Browse! Its AI resolves most of the text-based captchas
  • Chain 2 robots together with Workflows: Workflows allow you to automate complex data extraction processes by chaining two or more robots together. With workflows, you can pass one robot's extracted data (for example, detail page links) to another robot as input parameters, which is usually needed when doing the deep scraping


Starts from $19 per month\Annual plan. Details here

Media / Screenshots

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