- Find Broken Links: Crawl a website instantly and find broken links (404s) and server errors.
- Analyse Page Titles & Meta Data: Analyse page titles and meta descriptions during a crawl and identify those that are too long, short, missing, or duplicated across your site.
- Extract Data with XPath: Collect any data from the HTML of a web page using CSS Path, XPath or regex. This might include social meta tags, additional headings, prices, SKUs, or more!
- Generate XML Sitemaps: Quickly create XML Sitemaps and Image XML Sitemaps, with advanced configuration over URLs to include last modified, priority, and change frequency.
- Crawl JavaScript Websites: Render web pages using the integrated Chromium WRS to crawl dynamic, JavaScript-rich websites and frameworks, such as Angular, React, and Vue.js.
- Schedule Audits: Schedule crawls to run at chosen intervals and auto-export crawl data to any location, including Google Sheets. Or automate entirely via the command line.