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Get how-to marketing advice for content strategy, brand content as well as B2C and B2B content marketing samples and case studies from the Content Marketing Institute Blog.

Content Marketing Institute News
Curated the: July 25, 2022

The One Email KPI To Watch in the Age of Mail Privacy Protection

Since Apple rolled out its Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) it prevented email tracking pixels, effectively killing Open Rate as an email marketing KPI. Here’s the one KPI that should matter now the most.
Curated the: May 23, 2022

How To Choose the Best Distribution Channels for Your Content

Content marketing without distribution will not get you very far. To do you any good, you must bring it in front of the right people. Choosing the right distribution channel is exactly how you will achieve that.
Curated the: November 15, 2021

Internal Linking: How To Get It Right for Your Audience and for SEO

Unlike backlinks, internal linking is an SEO factor you have complete control over. Here are the types of internal links you need to know and how to use them effectively on your content pages.
Curated the: July 12, 2021

How to Use Google Analytics to Find Your Unicorns (and Avoid Content Donkeys)

Does your top 1% of your content performs great but the bottom 90% gets nothing? Read how you can uncover paths that will lead your content to better results and avoid all that donkey content.
Curated the: April 19, 2021

How to Drive Organic Clicks and Leads From Your Instagram Channel

Instagram is a great channel and platform for awareness purposes. However, the same cannot be said for conversion, as IG doesn’t allow clickable links in captions. Here’s everything you can do regarding your organic traffic.
Curated the: March 22, 2021

About That Burger King Tweet … and More Helpful Content Marketing Lessons

To celebrate International Women’s Day, Burger King tweeted “Women belong in the kitchen” to stress the fact that only 20% of professional chefs in UK kitchens are women. Due to lack of context, however, the tweet backlashed.
Curated the: February 22, 2021

How to Create High-Converting Content

For many companies, creating content is not a nice-to-have; it’s their best channel for finding customers - or letting customers find them. Here’s a guide with the basics on how to create great content that converts.
Curated the: February 15, 2021

Forget the Super Bowl Ads – Brands Took Their “A” Game to Twitter

Brands figured out how to capitalize on the biggest collective audience of the year –without having to spend millions to air a 30-second ad during the Super Bowl. Here are some content marketing examples.
Curated the: November 23, 2020

Lackluster Blog? How This Tech Company Turned Theirs Into a Lead-Generation Engine

Traffic is great but traffic isn't everything. The blog from a tech company had 70,000 monthly visitors but only 50 product trials a month. So it had to make some drastic changes. Read the full story here.

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