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Search Engine Journal news
Curated the: January 16, 2023
ChatGPT, the smartest chatbot that the internet has seen so far, is here. Given its impressive capabilities, how can it possibly affect jobs like writers, programmers, SEO specialists, and sales professionals?
Curated the: January 9, 2023
Contact Us pages are supposed to be one of these places that inspire the visitor to communicate with you. However, more often than not, they aren’t talking any visitor into taking any action.
Curated the: December 19, 2022
Creating shareable content is more like science than art. In other words, you can use certain formulas to create useful, entertaining, original, and -above all- shareable content that your audience will love.
Curated the: December 12, 2022
Do you have a small website? Then you probably shouldn’t worry about your crawl budget. However, if your site is somewhat bigger and has a few thousand URLs, then should you start worrying?
Curated the: December 5, 2022
According to the shipping cart abandonment statistics, 7 out of 10 shoppers leave before completing their purchase. For mobile users, the number is even higher. Hopefully, these practices will bring those numbers down.
Curated the: November 28, 2022
B2B doesn’t stand for Boring2Boring. Similar to B2C content, content personalization in B2B content is like adding fuel to the fire, making customers more likely to purchase. Here’s how to do it right.
Curated the: November 21, 2022
Bidding wars are costly enough. But what happens when you engage in a battle with businesses and brands that 100X your budget? How can you survive such a war and still run an ROI sensible campaign?
Curated the: November 14, 2022
According to Google and its representatives, the search engine doesn’t include Google Analytics data in its algorithm. However, many SEO professionals would swear that this is not the case. Is it?
Curated the: October 24, 2022

Buying Backlinks For SEO: Yes, This Is Still A Thing

Who is still buying backlinks for SEO purposes in 2022? A lot still do, it appears. But do they actually benefit from this practice? Are they at any kind of risk? And is the risk worth it?

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