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Task and project management app for teams on Slack.


Workast is the project management app for Slack teams that helps track daily work, manage projects, monitor to-do lists and get more work done. Workast integrates directly with Slack so you can create tasks when you are having your conversations.

Projects can be managed within Slack channels so that all team members know exactly what needs to be done. Workast has been installed in over 100,000 teams from companies like IBM, PayPal, Expedia, eBay, Oracle and Ticketmaster.


- Custom Lists: Lists and columns are used to create sections in a Space.

- Subtasks: Workast is a task management platform where you can create tasks for you and your team members.

- Custom tags: Tags are a great way to quickly label and identify tasks.

- Guest users: Guest accounts are great for temporary vendors or contractors, where you want to give them visibility to one or more specific projects.

- Attachments: You can add an attachment or file to a task or a subtask* in any view in the Workast web app.

- Followers: You can collaborate and keep up to date on tasks that you neither created nor are assigned to by being a follower.

- Calendar view on Space: Your team can organize your work and keep track of what is due, when, and who is doing what, using the calendar view in spaces.

- Clone tasks: Cloning or duplicating a task is an easy way to replicate an entire task, without having to type it all again.

- Recurring due dates: you have the option to create tasks that repeat on a regular basis.

- Export reports to CSV: Using our reports function, you can export task information from spaces in which you are a member.

- Comments on tasks: Write a comment or project update.

- Public and private forms: Creating forms for your team allows users to quickly and easily provide information, and have it collected in a single location.

- Import tasks from CSV and Trello: Guides on how to connect and use Workast with 3rd party apps.

- Create tasks through email: You can create tasks from your email client (like Gmail, Outlook, etc) by simply sending an email to the unique email address associated with a space.

- Public and private projects: Spaces have two privacy settings public, private.

- Mobile app: Guides on using Workast in our iOS and Android app.


Media / Screenshots





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